Love and Light

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London, NW8, United Kingdom
A "recovering academic", I have left the world of research and teaching Psychology. My current focus is on offering hypnotherapy, Reiki, and spiritual support for clients and hospice residents. I like to express myself through the arts, especially drama (the quirky-comic relief part),stand-up comedy, painting, and the fiber arts.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good to Know

Here are some observations gleaned from staying at A Flat on Abbey Road (s0 far)

Up is OFF and down is ON --this refers to light switches.

Right is HOT and Left is COLD, but only on some faucets, not all.

It is necessary to turn on the outlet with a switch before an appliance will run.

One machine washes AND dries your clothes, but not very quickly.

DEAD SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING is meant to instruct the driver about speed, not a commentary as to the mental capacity of any children present.

A BIOPOT does not require a haz-mat suit. It is a tub of yoghurt that contains live cultures, and comes in fruity flavours, including rhubarb/vanilla.

In Regent's Park, Dog-owners will stop right in front of the sign that says "Dogs Must be Kept On Lead" and take their dogs off the leash.

"Warning, Falling Conkers" indicates that you are standing under a chestnut tree. "Conkers" is also a game played by children (with chestnuts?) that is referenced by D.H. Lawrence in Sons and Lovers.

There truly is a Knit Shop with a licensed bar in London.

The first floor is one flight up.

"Goods Inward" means the delivery entrance.

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