Love and Light

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London, NW8, United Kingdom
A "recovering academic", I have left the world of research and teaching Psychology. My current focus is on offering hypnotherapy, Reiki, and spiritual support for clients and hospice residents. I like to express myself through the arts, especially drama (the quirky-comic relief part),stand-up comedy, painting, and the fiber arts.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Instant Weight Loss Plan B

Instant Weight Loss Plan A was last week's tummy symptoms. This occured after a visit to the zoo and was attributed to something that I must have eaten there. Then Hubster experienced it just before leaving for NYC, but he also had sniffles, so I decided it must have been a virus.

IWL Plan B appears to be a week-later revisitation of similar symptoms, and includes a nascent sore throat.

I thought I had been so virtuous yesterday in giving up the chocolate mousse cake. Perhaps my lack of appetite for the heavenly confection (chocolate contains theobromine, literally, "the food of the gods) was really due to a return of the viral symptoms. I hardly touched my dinner, went to bed early, and then was awakened by activity by downstairs neighbors at 1 am. Huge tummy rumbles were interpreted as a late-night "hunger attack". I assuaged them with chocolate "digestive biscuits" and milk. The "digestives", however, are certainly not living up to their name. (these are sweet wheat cookies with chocolate coating on one side). Today's "dinner" menu is limited to a can of store-bought chicken-noodle soup and crackers. Amazingly, yesterday afternoon I cooked up a huge pot of chicken soup, let it boil down to almost nothing, and promptly left it out overnight on the stove. I tossed it in "the bin" this morning. At least I know today's extravaganza isn't due to the ruined soup OR the chocolate mousse cake that I so selflessly donated to science.

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