Love and Light

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London, NW8, United Kingdom
A "recovering academic", I have left the world of research and teaching Psychology. My current focus is on offering hypnotherapy, Reiki, and spiritual support for clients and hospice residents. I like to express myself through the arts, especially drama (the quirky-comic relief part),stand-up comedy, painting, and the fiber arts.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dancing in the Streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Dear Readers

If you go to the Abbey Road WebCam today, (, click on "webcam) you may just see me Dancing in the Streets!!

This is because Hubster HAS BEEN ISSUED HIS VISA. This is will enable him/us to work. No more house-hubstering for hubster!

Hip-Hop Hooray!!

Also, there was a reported Hubster-sighting by NYC-Sister yesterday afternoon. You'll remember her as the one who called me at the crack-of-dawn on my birthday to remind me that I was 50.

1 comment:

nhsis said...

I'm looking but I don't see you...